Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Second Giveaway...only at RED PLANET!

There is another FABULOUS giveaway going on right now! (But it's not mine; although you still can enter to win my October Plaid Wristlet HERE).

This giveaway is hosted by my friend Mandi at Red Planet--and it is a doozy! Music, art, and an awesome hand-crafted mini clutch to hold it all! I am super excited about it and hopeful to win, but at the same time wanted to give you all a chance at it. To do so, click below:

Good Luck!


  1. Oh, I love Mandi's work, thanks.

    I started Workspace Wednesdays, come check it out..


  2. aw thanks! ill be posting yours as soon as i have a moment to sit down! my house looks like a disaster area and im dedicating my day to making it liveable thinking moving my "sewing space" to the living room wasnt such a great idea...haha
