Monday, October 12, 2009

Artists & Crafters: I Want YOU!

Lately, I've been thinking of ways to not only discipline myself where posting is concerned but to also spice up this blog, which of course is the most important thing!

So, I've devised an insane scheme that I'm calling "In the Craftlight," where (hopefully) every week a different Etsy seller (or even non-Etsy seller) will be featured! Very similar to Etsy's own Featured Seller article, but not quite as lengthy.

And I need YOUR help! I know some awesome artists are following my blog, and I would love to feature every one of you. And of course if I have no takers, I'll just have to start soliciting on Etsy! :)

If you are interested in doing this, either contact me through my Etsy shop,, or leave a comment here. If you're leaving a comment, please be sure that you leave your email or some way for me to contact you privately so I can send you the interview questions!

I hope to have my first In the Craftlight out this Friday. *crosses fingers*

Peace out!


  1. Hey Lady!
    I would love it and think that even think that even though I only started selling over the summer I might be suitable. I have tons of in person sales. and

  2. Wow! If you think my shop might be a good fit for your blog, I'd love to do an interview with you. I'm here:

    or email me at:

    I am still crazy about your shop, by the way.:)
