Thursday, November 12, 2009

Christmas Tags, Anyone?

I can already feel the holiday rush creeping up on me...can a rush creep? I dunno. Anyway, regardless, I thought I would design some printable Christmas tags--and offer them on Etsy! (Hehe, I'm sure you didn't see that coming!) These are 12 different tags that I send in a file and YOU print on your computer. Each one features a message of "Merry Christmas" in a different language. And what does taking on a new project have to do with impending busyness? I'm not sure. Just felt like it. Anyway, you should definitely take a peek at the listing... PLEEASSE??? :)

Also, I was listening to Craftlit today, which is my favorite podcast of all time. And it reminded me that I need to talk about it and tell you all that if you haven't already, you should really check it out! It's a delightful hour or so of the lovely Heather talking about crafts and literature. And not just talking about it, but actually reading it. The last book was The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and currently she is beginning Flatland by Edwin A. Abbot.

And if you like what you hear, please check this out and help.


  1. ahhh! cute tags! thats my name! ooooooOOOOoo. Ill have to take time out of my BUSY schedule to take a listen to the podcast...we both know how busy I always ;p
