Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I've officially moved...
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
This morning's musing...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
"Beki's Barn Sale," or, "Maybe I should tell you about these things BEFORE they happen..."

Friday, October 1, 2010
Aid for Aidan: Help an extraordinary little boy!!
The sad news: Aidan, the 5-year-old nephew of my friend, Mandi of Red Planet, was recently diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. It is 97% curable but he will have to go through 2-3 years of chemo.
Aidan, working on his art
The awesome news: Regretsy (and yes, I mean THE Regretsy) is going to be holding a fundraiser just for Aidan! If you're not familiar with it, Regretsy is a hilarious blog that showcases ugly, stupid, or just plain weird items from Etsy. (Be warned, it is often pretty crude and could be considered offensive...definitely not PG rated.) Contrary to what some believe, the intent is NOT to discourage sales of these items--being featured on the website has actually helped many artists make big sales. And most importantly, has become a routine thing for Regretsy to raise money for good causes, like Aidan. :)
A photo from Regretsy, originally from Meg Swansen

Info about the Regretsy fundraiser won't be officially announced until later on, but here's what you can do for now:
Follow Aidan's journey via this blog:
Purchase items featuring Aidan's own artwork, via the Regretsy Zazzle store. (All proceeds from this will go to help with Aidan's medical bills):
Check out his Etsy store, where you can purchase prints of his artwork (Again, proceeds go to Aidan):
ANNNDDD..... if you cannot donate, you can still help by spreading the word!!! Aidan is an incredibly creative little boy with a spectacular personality and I would love to see him get as much support as possible.
Thank you for your time and help!